Active 60 with Teach Active

As more schools join the mission to become an active school, this session will explore the role physical activity has to play in your classroom and the significant impact it can have on children’s well-being and academic achievement as well as giving you some practical examples.

Please note this is a semi-practical workshop.

View Teach Active’s presentation on Active 60

Ofsted Deep Dive: PE

This session covers how to get ready for, and what to do during, an Ofsted PE deep dive.

View PASS’s presentation on Ofsted Deep Dive: PE

Mental Health and WellbeingNHS Kent Community Health Foundation Trust logo

A workshop for professionals to explore what impacts positively and negatively on our mental health, ways to cope in times of stress and anxiety using the Six Ways to Wellbeing.  This workshop will include some practical examples of how Keeping Active, Staying Connected, Taking Notice, Keep Learning, Giving and Caring for the Planet can lift our mood.

View the presentation on Mental Health and Wellbeing

PE Pro logoEngaging the Least Active with Non-Traditional Activities with PE PRO and Dragonball UK

Practical workshop focussing on enhancing your offer of inclusive activities by demonstrating new and non-traditional sports such as Kho-Kho, Kabhi, Dragonball and Tchoukball.

Youth Sport Trust logo

Delivering Positive Physical Activity Experiences for All Using Personal and Physical Outcomes

An interactive session designed to reframe your approach to one that is driven by the motivation, competence, and confidence of the young people in your school.

View Youth Sport Trust’s presentation on Delivering Positive Experiences