Children & Young People Newsletter July 2023
Summer Reading Challenge

This summer the Youth Sport Trust has teamed up with The Reading Agency to bring you the Summer Reading Challenge, Ready, Set, Read!
The 2023 Challenge is a a celebration of reading, sport, games and play. The Youth Sport Trust has developed fun family activity cards to keep children active and reading over the summer. Active equipment packs will also be available in selected libraries. All children aged 4-11 can take part by either visiting their local library or signing up online. The challenge is free to take part in and there are rewards and prizes on offer for completing each stage.
Inclusion 24 Programme

New data released by the Youth Sport Trust shows that their Inclusion 24 programme has rapidly increased PE and school sport experiences for children with SEND.
38.5% of schools reported an increase in the number of children with SEND achieving the 60 active minutes.
If you want to get involved in improving access to PE and Sport for all, Inclusion 2024 has shared some key resources from the programme that are free for schools to access.
Healthy Steps Programme

NHS Better Health has just launched a new healthy steps programme to help encourage families to eat better and move more on a budget.
Over 8 weeks you will receive emails containing tips from nutrition experts and other parents, Disney themed games, fun challenges, and budget-friendly recipes. Parents/carers can sign up at any time by completing a quiz about their current eating and physical activity habits. Once they’ve completed the quiz they will receive weekly emails tailored to their quiz results.
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme

The HAF Programme offers families of children aged 4 to 16, who are eligible for benefits related free school meals (FSM), opportunities to access a range of free activities in the holidays. The programme runs for one week at Easter, four weeks over the summer and one week at Christmas.
Each programme provides a range of exciting activities, games and new experiences for children, along with a healthy main meal. Children will have the chance to try new sporty or creative activities and to make new friends.
There are a number of funded HAF Programmes running over the Summer holiday periods in Kent. Please contact Programmes directly for more information via the link below.
Follow this link to find out about the HAF programme in Kent
Keeping Well this Summer

The i-Thrive and Participation team at Kent County Council, funded by NHS Kent & Medway, have compiled a list of suggestions to keep well this Summer. Developed for young people, the document highlights the positive role of physical activity and exercise in looking after our mental health, as well as a range of other tips, advice and sources of support for mental health and wellbeing over the summer. It also underlines the importance of looking out for friends, especially when school and many other structured activities stop for the summer period.
Follow this link to find out more
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