Health & Wellbeing of Adults Newsletter March 2023
Everyday Active
Everyday Active is Active Kent & Medway’s flagship campaign helping more people to be more active in their everyday life. The website, is central to the campaign. It promotes activities offered by partners countywide and provides support and resources for health professionals, social prescribers, One You advisers and other partners to have meaningful and productive conversations about physical activity and equips them to provide appropriate activity suggestions.
Free Resources

There are a wealth of resources available on the Everyday Active website for anyone who is supporting people to move more in their everyday lives.
The library of resources includes guidance, partner campaigns and short videos to support people through various stages of life and those living with long term health conditions. It features topics such as deconditioning and falls prevention, the importance of staying active before and after surgery, during and after pregnancy, and suggestions on maintaining and improving muscle strength.
Visit the Everyday Active Resources Library to find out more
Free Training Opportunities

Everyday Active Workshop
The Everyday Active Workshop is for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge and understanding of the benefits of physical activity, to feel confident about having conversations with others to help get more people, more active across Kent and Medway. Join us online for one of our next free workshops on Thursday 27 April, 10:00am – 11:30am or Thursday 29 June, 10:00am – 11:30am.
Register for Everyday Active Workshop

Partner Workshops and Courses
There is a wealth of training available for anyone looking to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in having conversations about physical activity. Some courses are face to face but many are short online courses, covering a wide range of topics. Here’s a selection of courses on offer:
- Make Every Contact Count
- Physical Activity Clinical Champions Training
- Moving Medicine Online Course
- All Our Health Bite-size learning modules
- This Mum Moves e-learning modules
Visit the Everyday Active Partner Hub to find out more
Move Your Way Challenge

The Everyday Active Move Your Way Challenge is all about keeping active to boost your physical and mental health this May. Everyday activities count so whatever gets you moving, we’re inviting you, your friends, family, colleagues and clients to move your way through May.
Whether it’s a walk to the shops, a jog around the block, a spot of gardening, a kickabout in the park, cycling to/from work, an online exercise class, a dance about the kitchen, a swim in your local pool – anything goes! The more you move your way, the more you’ll boost your physical and mental health this May.
Carers Active April

Carers often face a challenging time, and many have seen their own health and wellbeing impacted by their caring responsibilities. Carers UK is a supportive community and a movement for change to make life better for all carers in the UK. Their campaign Carers Active raises awareness of the importance of achievable, accessible and affordable physical activity for carers, and highlights the benefits to carers of moving more.
This April, Carers Active want organisations to come together and run physical activity events such as walks, online yoga or dance sessions for unpaid carers.
Live Longer Better - National Event

The aims of Live Longer Better, the revolutionary movement, are not only to help individuals live longer better and increase their healthspan, but also to prevent, delay, slow and if possible, reverse the problems that create the need for health and social care.
Free Webinar: Wednesday 22 March, 10.00am – 11.30am
With contributions from Sir Muir Gray, Learning and Evaluation Partners and Active Partnerships that are leading this revolutionary movement, this national event will be a springboard to 2023. The webinar provides an opportunity to leverage learning and to connect the opportunities and strengths that sit across national and local partners.
Spotlight On: Female Participation

As Sport England announces the next phase of its flagship campaign ‘This Girl Can’ and shifts its attention to tackling the exercise ‘Enjoyment Gap’ and as Project 500 (More Women, Better Coaching) celebrates its 10th Birthday, it seemed timely to do a Spotlight On: Female Participation.
Showcasing the support available to help more women to become more active, to reduce the enjoyment gap, to encourage more women into coaching and to help women move through the various life stages, we hope you find the articles and information of interest.
Inclusive Opportunities
Active Kent & Medway visited Whitstable Lawn Tennis Club last year to hear how Vanessa, in partnership with Inclusive Sports, used Sport England’s Together Fund to offer inclusive tennis sessions for the local learning disabled community. It is clear how their sessions have improved access to a range of opportunities, as well as reducing isolation and enabling participants to make lasting friendships.
Other News & Announcements
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