Children and Young People News – September 2023
Primary Age
Free PE CPD for Teachers

Kent FA are delivering a free PE course for qualified teachers or those currently working towards qualified teacher status on 17 January 2023 at Invicta House.
The course has been designed to support professional development for teachers who deliver PE across Key Stages 1-4. The workshop will provide practical examples to enable teachers to develop their knowledge and create a positive learning environment for all pupils.
Follow this link to find out more about the free course
Daily Mile: Rugby World Cup Campaign

The Daily Mile are getting #BackToSchool with a new Global Rugby Challenge Resource.
This challenge encourages children to travel round the global map by running, jogging, wheeling or walking The Daily Mile, whilst learning fun facts and answering rugby questions about countries along the way.
There are maps, fact sheets and even a certificate for when you complete your journey!
Follow this link to join the Daily Mile Global Rugby Challenge
LTA Tennisables

LTA have a major new campaign to inspire and engage children primarily ages 4-11 to play tennis. Each of the six colourful tennis ball characters are based on a specific tennis components: Ace, Slice, Spin, Dash, Smash and Bounce.
There are six YouTube video sessions designed to teach children and young people the basics of tennis.
Follow this link to find out more
PE Risk Assessments

All physical education and sports activities should be safe and enjoyable. However, to comply with legislation (Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999) you must regularly evaluate and control the potential risks associated with physical education and sports activities to prevent injuries. As the risks and hazards may vary considerably for each physical education or sport activity, you will need to undertake individual risk assessments for specific sports e.g. football, gymnastics, rugby.
To help you, the KCC Health and Safety Team have developed a template risk assessment which can be used and adapted. This assessment identifies the common hazards associated with physical education and sports activities.
Secondary Age
Back to School with British Dodgeball
Train to effectively teach dodgeball: the sport named by Ofsted as the most in-demand school sport in the UK.
To support this demand, British Dodgeball is providing 25% off of all online courses and lesson plans during September 2023.
To receive the discount, please enter the code BACKTOSCHOOL23 at checkout or by quoting when emailing should you prefer to pay via invoice. Sale ends: 30 September 2023.
Follow this link to find out more
Kent School Games 2022-23 Review
The last academic year has been a great success for Kent School Games, working closely with the 13 School Games Organisers across Kent and Medway to engage those most affected by inequalities and to support the positioning of physical activity across our network of schools.
Here are just some of the highlights of the past year, showcasing the work that has been undertaken to support the wider development of children and young people through identifying what skills and attributes need developing.
Upcoming Campaigns
Keeping your Child Safe in Sport

Keeping your Child Safe in Sport week (2-6 October) continues to highlight and support the role parents and carers play in keeping their children safe while taking part in sports and activities.
This year, the campaign will focus on how parents can be supportive and ask the right questions. Follow the campaign for media assets and new resources to share with parents, and signpost them to the CPSU Parents’ Hub.
Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) are official organisers of Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Socks Day in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 is taking place from Monday 13 – Friday 17 November 2023. The theme is ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’.
You can help make a noise to stop bullying this Anti-Bullying Week with resources for schools along with packs for parents and carers to help bring anti-bullying week to life at home.
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