""Active Kent & Medway is committed to promoting good practice and safe sport for children, young people and adults at a local level.

The Sport Welfare Project is being driven by two Sport Welfare Officers within the team, Stuart and Jimmy, who are part of the new national network of sport welfare officers.

Aims of the Project

The Sport Welfare Officers’ role is to:

  • Provide additional, local support for club welfare officers
  • Signpost clubs to the right advice and guidance
  • Work with club welfare officers to create a safer culture within the organisation
  • Facilitate local training opportunities and events
  • Create networks so that volunteers and staff feel better connected and informed
  • Recognise, share and develop best practice
  • Help raise awareness of safeguarding and welfare for young people and adults at local events

Please note, the Sport Welfare Officer role is not to advise or manage any welfare concerns. All concerns must be referred without delay in accordance with National Governing Body/Club Safeguarding Policy.

Sport Welfare Project Aims (Download or Print PDF, 2 MB)

Stuart butler profile pic

Stuart Butler

Sport Welfare Officer

Jimmy profile picture

Jimmy McCormack

Sport Welfare Officer

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