Active Kent & Medway is committed to working in partnership with organisations delivering sport within the county, to promote best practice when working with adults at risk. As a result we have developed a Safeguarding Adults policy which we hope will help us all to safeguard adults at risk from potential abuse, as well as protecting staff, volunteers and other adults in positions of responsibility from allegations of abuse.
Download Active Kent & Medway’s Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures – Summary (DOCX, 84 KB)
If Active Kent & Medway does not meet expected standards in adhering to this policy, please email in the first instance. All complaints received will be investigated and responded to as quickly as possible. For more information about the Kent County Council Customer Service policy and how to make a complaint or provide feedback, please visit
Ann Craft Trust
The Ann Craft Trust (ACT) is a national charity which exists to minimise the risk of abuse of disabled children and adults at risk. Their website has a wide range of safeguarding resources for organisations such as sports and activity clubs, groups and bodies and information including:
- Why does my organisation need a safeguarding policy and procedures?
- The difference between safeguarding adults and safeguarding children policies
- Capacity and decision making
- Safe recruitment practices
- Safeguarding Adults in Clubs and Groups: Frequently Asked Questions
Follow this link to Ann Craft Trust Advice and Training
Writing a Safeguarding Adults Policy
Need to write or refresh your safeguarding adults policy? There are some great resources available from Ann Craft Trust, including tips and templates.
Tips for Writing and Implementing a Safeguarding Adults Policy
Writing a Safeguarding Adults Commitment Statement
The following template helps you to gather into one place, the most important information about what your organisation does to keep all adults safe and protected from harm. Sharing this information with your staff, volunteers and participants will ensure that everyone recognises and understands the organisation’s commitments and actions, and the role they have in creating a safe environment, and recognising and responding to concerns.
Read through each section of the template and gather the information you need. Use the headings and prompts to create your own document, or you can replace the text in each section with your own information.
Safeguarding Adults Essentials and Top Tips
Safeguarding adults is everybody’s responsibility. Clubs need to look out for the welfare of all adults and be informed enough to ensure that any safeguarding concerns about adults are properly acted upon. Clubs should respond and follow up any safeguarding concerns that they have about an adult. Buddle has worked with the Ann Craft Trust to create a short video clip and guidance document providing more information.
Follow this link to Buddle Safeguarding Adults
Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board
The Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board is a partnership of statutory and voluntary organisations, working together to keep adults at risk of abuse or neglect safe.
We all have a responsibility to look after one another, but some people don’t report their concerns because they don’t know the key signs that something is wrong, they feel it isn’t their business or they don’t know who they should talk to.
Noticing is not nosiness. If you have concerns about an adult, find out how Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board can help.
Worried about an adult in Kent or Medway? Report it here.
Do you have a question about safeguarding?

Natalie Harris
Events and Safeguarding Manager
- Tel: 03000 412044
- Email:
Part time - Monday to Friday
"Running, netball and golf are my go-to activities, preferably when the sun is shining! parkrun has been a game changer, keeping me motivated every week."