Live Longer Better Network News – Issue No.9 November 2024
Welcome to the 9th edition of the Kent and Medway Live Longer Better Network News.
It was lovely to see so many network members at the recent Active Kent & Medway conference. Thank you to Ken Scott (Kent Dementia Action Alliance), Linda Smith (Kent County Council Public Health) and Lauren King / Ben Ryder (Swale Leisure – Hermitage Park Community Centre) for facilitating a fantastic presentation on the topic of ‘Using Physical Activity to mitigate the risk and limit the impact of Dementia’.
We are delighted to announce that we are planning our next online Live Longer Better Network event for January 2024 with a theme around ‘health’ – more details to follow soon.
We hope you find the following articles of interest. Please share the Network News with your colleagues, partners and other organisations. They can also subscribe to our mailing list to receive future editions of the network news straight to their inbox.
Funding Opportunities

Small Grant for Activities or Events
“Your grant is helping to encourage participants to improve their mental and physical health, as well as reducing their isolation.”
Medway Plus, a registered charity supporting residents in disadvantaged communities, received the Active Kent & Medway small grant to deliver water sport sessions for people living with long term health conditions, from culturally diverse communities.
If you would like to encourage and increase participation in physical activity for those living in Kent or Medway, our small grant could help. Funding, up to £500, could be available to cover facilitator or coaching costs, venue hire, equipment, marketing and publicity for new programmes, festivals, events, launches or celebrations of activity.

Workforce Development Bursary
Thinking about becoming an activity leader or yoga instructor for your local community group?
Our Workforce Development Bursary can cover up to 50% of the costs (maximum £500) towards qualifications or awards that increase the quantity and quality of leaders, coaches, instructors and officials in Kent, and therefore assist the development of sport and physical activity in the county.
Learning Opportunities

Everyday Active Workshop
The Everyday Active Workshop is for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge and understanding of the benefits of physical activity, to feel confident about having conversations with others to help get more people, more active across Kent and Medway.
“Very useful session. Everyday Active is a great resource. I will definitely use it when speaking with people about becoming more active.” Attendee
Join us online for our next free workshop:

National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) Webinar
Those commissioning, managing and working in personalised care and services across Integrated Care Systems want to know if social prescribing works and whether it can reduce health service use and costs.
The webinar will share findings from a recently published NASP briefing showing where social prescribing has worked to do this. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the evaluations with the panel.
Join the free webinar online:
Everyday Active Champions

We are delighted to introduce Nikki Chawner as our Everyday Active Champion for Sittingbourne. We now have Everyday Active Champions in 11 locations across the county. The champions help increase awareness of local opportunities and explore ways to encourage more people to become active. They do fantastic work connecting with their local community and sharing opportunities on their dedicated community pages. If you have any activities or opportunities you’d like to add to a community page, please reach out to the relevant champion.
We are currently seeking Champions for Ashford, Maidstone or Sevenoaks. If you’re interested in taking on this voluntary role, please contact Yasmin at
Follow this link meet our Everyday Active Champions and view the Community pages
Snacktivity Study
Are you interested in taking part in a new, year long study to help people become more physically active? Snacktivity encourages people to do short ‘snacks’ of physical activity throughout the day and across the week to improve their health. Loughborough University are leading the study to find out if the Snacktivity approach helps people to become more physically active.
Volunteer Group Leaders needed:
Do you work with individuals or groups of people who may benefit from taking part in the study? Kent County Council are recruiting volunteer group leaders, on behalf of the Research Delivery Team, to train to deliver Snacktivity. Group leaders would need to attend a short, virtual training session, identify and invite participants and deliver 2-5 minute intervention sessions to them. If you are interested in becoming a group leader, please contact
Follow this link for Volunteer Group Leader information
Participants needed:
Eligible participants will be given an activity tracker to start. They will receive a £20 voucher when they complete a health questionnaire at 3 months and again at 12 months. On completion of the 12 month study, participants can keep the Fitbit tracker.
Kent Coast Volunteering

Can you, or someone you know, spare an hour or two per week to help an older person who is lonely and isolated and make a difference to their day? This could be having a chat, going for a walk, or taking them to the shops.
Kent Coast Volunteering support communities in Dover, Thanet, Folkestone and Hythe area and are looking for volunteer befrienders in Dover and Deal to join their Good Neighbours Service. More information about this and other volunteer opportunities can be seen on their website or by calling 07816 406372 (Thanet) or 07816 406339 (Dover).
Gift Ideas to Live Longer Better

Stuck for gift ideas for Christmas or a special occasion?
Finding the perfect gift can be a challenge, especially when you want to give something that promotes a longer, healthier, and happier life.
From fitness gadgets and active days out to nutritious food recipes and mindfulness tools, there are countless options to help your loved ones live their best lives. We’ve pulled together some inspiring suggestions to encourage wellbeing and a healthier and happier life.
Follow this link to view Gift Ideas to Live Longer Better
National Wellbeing Campaigns
Men’s Health Awareness Month: Movember
National Stress Awareness Week: 4-8 November
Find out about Stress Awareness Week
Transgender Awareness Week: 13-19 November
Find out about Transgender Awareness Week
National Self-Care Week: 18-24 November
UK Disability History Month: 16 Nov – 16 Dec
Find out about UK Disability History Month
International Men’s Day: 19 November
Find out about International Men’s Day
Carers Rights Day: 21 November
Find out about Carers Rights Day
Inspirational Day of People with Disabilities: 3 December
Find out about International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Dry January in your workplace: January 2025
LGBT+ History Month: February 2025
Find out about LGBT+ History Month
World Cancer Day: 4 February 2025
Find out about World Cancer Day
Time to Talk Day: 6 February 2025
Other News
Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you
If there’s anything in our network news you’d like to discuss further, please contact Michelle Bird, our Health & Wellbeing Officer via email: