It has been an exciting year for the Active Partnership – starting with our name change from Kent Sport to Active Kent & Medway at our annual conference and the launch of our new website. We welcomed Graham Razey, CEO of East Kent Colleges Group, as our new Active Partnership Board Chair and continue to work closely with all Board members to guide our work and ensure good governance.
Sharing learning with a view to building partner capacity, capability and most importantly confidence has been a real theme for us this year. With insight based on our own learning into Tackling Inequalities through Sport and Physical Activity and Using Youth Voice to engage young people in sport and activity as well as that from our Everyday Active Campaign and regular partner forums and workshops. Insight, that has alongside extensive consultation, helped to inform the development of Move Together – Kent and Medway’s 2023-2027 Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity, which will be launched in May 2023.
Our annual review provides a summary of our work in 2022-23 across our five identified priorities plus our Everyday Active Campaign, as well as links to case studies and videos designed to bring this work to life. Telling the stories and sharing the experiences of real people from across our county and how sport and physical activity really can change lives.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the support we are given by Sport England, Kent County Council and our District Councils and thank the hundreds of organisations and individuals across Kent and Medway that we work with on a daily basis to get more people, more active, more often.