No child begins life as an elite athlete. Every young athlete grows in experience, skill and confidence, with the support of their club, coaches and especially their family. As a parent, you have the right to know how your child’s sport is run, and what they will do to ensure your child takes part in a safe and enjoyable environment.
Here are seven things you can do to put yourself in the best position to support your child.
Watch a video about the critical roles that parents play in supporting their children through their sporting journey.
Check that your child’s club has up to date policies and procedures, and codes of conduct for participants, coaches, volunteers and officials.
Follow this link for sample codes of conduct
Understand how you can model behaviour which supports your child to enjoy participating in sport and perform at their best.
Follow this link for advice on promoting positive parental involvement
Read about Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson’s report into the Duty of Care that sports have towards their participants.
Follow this link to read the Duty of Care report
Talk to older children about their experiences in sport and use these questions to approach organisations about the support you and your child receive.
Download Questions to prompt discussions (PDF)
Get help if you are worried about any child being abused or put at risk during sports activities.
Follow this link for information for parents and carers

Elise Rendall
Strategic Lead - Health and Physical Activity
- Tel: 03000 412290
- Email:
"Outside of work I enjoy running, competing at races and volunteering at sports events, both at home and abroad".