Please follow the links below for specific information on these areas of good practice.

Safeguarding and inclusion of deaf and disabled children and young people in sport

Many deaf and disabled children and young people already enjoy the benefits of sports and activities – whether playing for fun or competing at national or international level. However we know that many thousands of other keen, willing and able young disabled people are prevented from doing so because of negative misconceptions about them, or because they are not given access to opportunities, facilities, or support from appropriately trained coaches and staff.

Sports should take positive steps to include deaf and disabled children and young people, and in doing so also recognise and address their additional needs and vulnerabilities.

CPSU resources for safeguarding deaf and disabled children

Safeguarding Adults

Codes of Ethics and Conduct

Events and Activities

Information and Data

Organisation and Management

The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit has written a number of briefing papers on other topics, such as:

  • Abuse of position of trust
  • Safe use of changing facilities
  • Away trips and hosting events

To view these papers, please visit the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) website

Photograph of Karely Hubbard

Karley Hubbard

Insight, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

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