Funding Amount
Target Audience
Older People
Sporting Memories Club
Marden Cricket & Hockey Club provides outstanding sporting facilities for all members. They aim to retain the rich heritage and grass roots character of the old club while embracing new techniques, modern coaching and the latest facilities.
Project Overview
Working in partnership with the Sporting Memories Foundation, the club wanted to run a local Sporting Memories Club for their community. Through a mix of reminiscing, social activities and inclusive physical activity, the club aims to connect older people who share an interest and passion for sport.
Advertised through posters in the local village, connections with the local medical centre, the local social prescribing organisation (Involve) and through attendance at dementia friendly events, the sporting memories club membership has grown. Weekly sessions start off with a catch up about current sporting news or group members sharing their personal sporting memories and memorabilia with the group, followed by physical activity opportunities such as boccia, table tennis, kin ball and walking. The stimulating activities and discussions have kept the members engaged and connected.
Organisation benefits:
- Development of organisation partnerships
- Recognition in the local community
- Attracted new members
- Offering new opportunities for the community to be active
Participant benefits:
- Increased confidence to be active
- Improved physical and mental health
- Development of new friendships
- Helped members reconnect with their local community

Mr G's Story
Mr G heard about the Sporting Memories Club through the local medical centre. Suffering from depression Mr G wanted to get out the house to find some company and mental stimulation. The club has helped him to manage his mental health, build new friendships, connect to his local community and feel a lot happier in himself. Attending the club has given Mr G the confidence to join local keep fit classes.

Participant Feedback
"The physical activities are ideal for the age group. Everyone is able to take part rather than just sit and listen. The fact enthusiastic members return each week is a testament to its success. The local organisers are superb and keep us mentally and physically stimulated". "Brilliant idea. The organisers put a great deal into each session to make it inclusive and jolly".
Key Learnings
- Diversify your offer. Think about the makeup of your local community, find out their wants and needs and if there is anything you can offer them. It could be an opportunity to expand your membership, connect with the community and increase your revenue.
- Keep the sessions consistent. Find a format that works for your members and stick with it. Older adults, especially those with dementia like a routine and many struggle with change. Allow for flexibilities but keeping the days, times and session format the same will reduce worries and anxieties.
- Have fun. Keep the sessions fun and light-hearted. Enjoyment is key to retaining people. Ask members what they enjoy and build on it. Remember that the older generation grew up playing games together so include this in your offer.
- Use your local community. Use the local people within the community to engage with your target audience and build bridges. Use this local knowledge and insight to understand your audience and where physical activity currently fits in their lives.
Next Steps
Marden Cricket and Hockey Club hope to continue with their Sporting Memories Club and are working with the Sporting Memories network to ensure the long-term sustainability of the club. If you’d like to attend the sporting memory club in Marden, it takes place every Tuesday, 14:30-16:00. For more information please email: mardensportingmemories@gmail.com or call 01622 833053.
The club is continually looking for guest speakers with an interesting sporting background, so if you or someone you know would be interested in delivering a talk to the group on a Tuesday afternoon, please contact the club: mardensportingmemories@gmail.com.