Do you recruit, support or develop coaches, either in voluntary or paid positions? We hope the following information will help you allow your coaches and participants to not only enjoy their experience but thrive in your environment too.
Whether you employ paid coaches to work in a school, or use volunteer coaches in a sports club, there are some basic guidelines to follow to help you get it right.
Consider advertising for behaviours not just qualifications. Think about the type of person you are looking for. Who would engage best with your participants? What would make them standout to you?
Identifying the right person to deliver your sessions
Employer-led standards for jobs in Sport and Physical Activity
The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) has developed a series of professional standards for coaches and instructors in different environments.
Follow this link for the full library of standards
Policies and Procedures
Coaches should be made fully aware of the policies, procedures and guidelines that will underpin the terms of their employment or volunteering. An induction should be provided to everyone that joins your organisation. Spend time thinking about what the induction should include.
Follow this link for Buddle Learning, Support and Resources
Buddle Health Check Tool
Sport England’s Buddle Health Check Tool is a self-assessment tool designed to support anyone that runs community sports clubs, groups and organisations.
Follow this link to the Buddle Health Check Tool
Sport England Clubs Plan
This plan sets out Sport England’s approach to supporting clubs and community groups across England in the delivery of sport and physical activity.
Find out more about Sport England’s Clubs Plan
Governance Structures for Sports Clubs
A webinar ideal for grass-roots sports clubs and associations who want to understand the benefit and process of club incorporation and covers common constitutions including charitable status, Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Limited by Guarantee, Community Amateur Sports Club and Community Interest Company.
Follow this link to access the governance structures webinar recording

Carly Miles
Community Development Officer (Sport and Physical Activity)
- Tel: 03000 417910
- Email:
"Outside of work I enjoy keeping active by going to the gym, running and taking regular walks."