Funding Amount
People with a Long-term Health Condition
Pilates and group exercise classes
Organisation and Project Overview
Situated in Medway, Lordswood Leisure Centre is a charitable trust managed and run by members of the local community on behalf of Medway Council.
The centre received funding to set up two projects: a group exercise class for people with cardiac conditions and Pilates for people with arthritis.
Increase in socialisation
Improved wellbeing and mobility
Improved confidence to move more
Increased fitness
“This class is wonderful. After my initial rehabilitation and physio, it has positively encouraged me to continue with exercise to suit my needs with a disability following a brain bleed. What is equally fantastic is that the class brings together the local community of all ages and ability to try something new and to music as well. We can’t thank the team enough for their continued support.” Cardiac participant, Lordswood Leisure
“I have shoulder arthritis, depression and I’m waiting for a knee replacement. The class really helps improve my muscle tone to support my shoulders and knees. It makes me feel so much better, meeting others and the endorphins I get. It helps me loosen up stiff joints. Price is helpful as I’m retired and having to do part-time work to supplement funds as cost-of-living prices have risen so much.” Arthritis participant, Lordswood Leisure
Key Learnings
1. Offer Social Elements. Social interaction is so important for older adults. Offer tea and coffee to encourage participants to catch up and develop new friendships.
“Offering tea and coffee after the class is a must!” Nicola Kidney, Lordswood Leisure Centre
2. Word of mouth. Every audience is different. Word of mouth within the local community helped the class numbers grow.
Next Steps
To ensure the classes continue, the centre will charge a small fee which participants are happy with. Lordswood is now looking to train up more instructors to deliver additional sessions and engage volunteers to support the participants.