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Tunbridge Wells

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Women and Girls

Organisation: Founded in the 1800s Capel Cricket Club was reformed in 2010 to bring cricket back to Capel. Now a thriving club offering men’s, ladies and junior cricket to the local community.

Project Overview: Capel established its women and girls’ team in 2018 and since then has played in many softball cricket matches and festivals with local clubs. The club wanted to expand its offering to women and girls to include hardball cricket to maintain interest and develop the team. The fund was used to purchase a hardball kit bag to allow women and girls to try before committing to purchasing their own kit.

playing cricket


  • Increased access to cricket for women and girls
  • Join in with inter-club hardball competitions
  • Entered their first competitive indoor tournament

Next Steps: The team will continue to train through the autumn and winter ready for the upcoming season.