Please complete the Active Kent & Medway Safeguarding Agreement for your funding.

Follow this link to the Active Kent & Medway Safeguarding Agreement

Please note, there is no option to save your progress and continue later, so below is a list of the information that you will be asked to complete the agreement:

  • Name of project
  • Active Kent & Medway funding programme
  • Name of lead organisation
  • Type of activities that will be delivered
  • Participants
  • Venue details
  • Start date and End date
  • Safeguarding commitment – please confirm commitment to safeguarding principles
  • Information sharing – please confirm commitment to sharing information appropriately in order to manage concerns
  • Audience – (children, adults or both)
  • Confirmation of policies – Safeguarding children/adults policy, Procedures for recording, reporting and sharing concerns, Procedures for raising and dealing with allegations against staff, Processes to record/report attendance & absence
  • Delivery method – Online and/or in person
  • Confirmation of online safety policies (as appropriate)
  • Safeguarding responsibilities
  • Involvement of partner organisation (and details)
  • Responsible organisation – which organisation will monitor and oversee:
      1. Safe recruitment
      2. Skills, qualifications, insurance
      3. Health and safety induction
      4. Codes of conduct
      5. Safeguarding training
      6. Participant registration and record keeping
      7. Accidents and emergencies
      8. Risk assessments
      9. Public liability insurance
  • Website address where safeguarding information can be found
  • Duty to Care Digital Badge
  • Safeguarding contact details
  • Main project contact details

If you require any additional information around any of the above, please view our further information & resources page.