Every year, 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem. The Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation sets out how sport can use its collective power to tackle mental ill health and the stigma that surrounds it.
The Charter has been developed by the Sport and Recreation Alliance alongside the Professional Players Federation and with support from the mental health charity, MIND. To date over 280 organisations within the sports sector, including player associations and National Governing Bodies of Sport, have signed up to the Charter and pledged their support to promote good mental health and mental health practices.
Active Kent & Medway has signed up to the Charter and through the work of the Service is committed to taking positive steps to address and encourage people to be open about mental health issues.
Follow this link to find out about the Mental Health Charter
Elise Rendall
Strategic Lead - Health and Physical Activity
- Tel: 03000 412290
- Email: elise.rendall@kent.gov.uk
"Outside of work I enjoy running, competing at races and volunteering at sports events, both at home and abroad".