Live Longer Better Network News – Issue No.5 February 2024
Welcome to the fifth edition of the Kent and Medway Live Longer Better Network News. Spring is fast approaching, with longer daylight hours and cheerful daffodils and crocuses blooming – a great motivator to get outside and enjoy nature.
We hope you find this Network News of interest. Please share with your colleagues, partners and other organisations, along with the details of our upcoming Live Longer Better Network event. Help us spread the word and help improve people’s wellbeing and increase healthy lifespan here in Kent and Medway.
Network Event

We are delighted to announce our next Live Longer Better Network event will take place online on Tuesday 30 April, 10am – 11.30am.
The focus will be on activities being delivered in Kent and Medway (cognitive, physical and emotional) and how these can have a positive impact on everyone as we get older.
This will be a great opportunity to bring together key speakers and Live Longer Better network members to share national and regional initiatives and discuss experiences, successes and challenges to help us work together to encourage longer, healthier, and happier lives for people in Kent and Medway.
Register for the next Live Longer Better Network Event (Online)
Everyday Active Workshop

The Everyday Active Workshop is for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge and understanding of the benefits of physical activity, to feel confident about having conversations with others to help get more people, more active across Kent and Medway.
Join us online for our next free workshop on: Thursday 14 March 2024, 13:00-14:30. All are welcome to attend.
“The session reminded me how important it is to talk about physical activity and it’s motivated me to do more myself.”
Kent Connect to Support

Are you looking for answers to common questions, information and advice to help you look after yourself, stay independent and connected?
Kent Connect to Support is brought to you by Kent County Council. The website offers information, advice and answers to a range of topics:
- Home and Community
- Caring for Someone
- Health and Wellbeing
- Housing
- Out and About
- Money and Legal
Adapting to the Age of Ageing

The global population is continuing to age. It is projected that by 2040, one in seven UK citizens will be aged 75 or older.
To tackle the complex issue of healthy ageing, universities and businesses have joined forces. Their collective goal is to harness the power of innovation and research to develop strategies, technologies, and interventions that will support the physical and mental wellbeing of older people, enabling them to lead fulfilling and independent lives.
The National Centre for Universities and Business has collated ten case studies from across the country to see how the lives of our ageing population can be enhanced.
Activity Opportunities

Sporting Memories Club
Sporting Memories clubs are dedicated to bringing people together to share experiences and memories of some of the greatest sporting events and personalities.
The clubs provide social and physical activities that allow older people, including any family members and carers, to have fun whilst creating relationships and companionship with people in their local community.
There are three sporting memories clubs in the county: Medway, Marden and the newly opened club in Meopham.
Follow this link to find a Sporting Memories Club

Big Bike Revival
The Big Bike Revival from Cycling UK aims to make cycling accessible to everyone, whether you want to get started or are keen to return to cycling.
The programme offers FREE activities and services across the county, delivered by organisations who are part of the cycling community.
The free events are to help more people start or return to cycling. From fixing bikes, teaching new skills and leading cycle rides for all abilities.
Follow this link to find a Big Bike Revival event near you

Become a Walk Leader in Medway
Volunteering as a Walk Leader is a fantastic way to help others, meet new people, stay active, develop new skills and gain a great sense of achievement. Full training is provided.
If you’re interested in becoming a walk leader in Medway, please email:
Follow this link to find out about becoming a Walk Leader

Fun and Moving
Fun and Moving is an on demand health and wellness platform with videos covering Rehab, Balance, Memory Care and Functional Movement through Dance, Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates.
There are just under 1,200 routines and 420 content hours ranging from five to forty-three minutes in length. There are three levels in every category, starting from a bed, chair or standing.
All routines have been created by certified trainers and have been studied and approved by a licensed Doctor, a Physical Therapist, and an Occupational Therapist.
National Wellbeing Campaigns
International Women’s Day – Theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’: 8 March 2024
Find out about International Women’s Day
National No Smoking Day: 13 March 2024
Find out about National No Smoking Day
Carers Active Month: April 2024
Find out about Carers Active April
Stress Awareness Month: April 2024
World Autism Acceptance Week: 2 – 8 April 2024
Find out about World Autism Acceptance Week
World Health Day: 7 April 2024
Find out about World Health Day
World Parkinson’s Day: 11 April 2024
Find out about World Parkinson’s Day
On Your Feet Britain: 25 April 2024
Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you
If there’s anything in our network news you’d like to discuss further, please get in touch with Michelle Bird, our Health and Wellbeing Officer at: