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Tunbridge Wells

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Students aged 11 - 16

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Activity, wellbeing, enjoyment


The Active Lives Children and Young People survey, conducted by Sport England and administered by Active Kent and Medway measures participation levels, wellbeing and attitudes towards sport and physical activity of children and young people aged 5 to 16 years.Front page of report with 2 children playing football

The Skinners’ Kent Academy, a secondary school located in Tunbridge Wells, completed the survey in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 academic years allowing the school to compare results.


On completion of the survey, schools receive a report summarising their students’ responses. When comparing years, Skinners has seen a slight increase in the number of students meeting the Chief Medical Officers guidelines of 60 minutes of physical activity per day. This is noticeable compared with Kent’s young people’s activity level’s decreasing by 6.3% across the same academic years.

The report highlighted that students wellbeing scores at Skinners have increased and more students enjoy taking part in sport and physical activity and understand why it’s good for them. However, girls’ activity levels have fallen whilst boys’ activity levels have increased.

“By continuing to take part in the Active Lives Survey, we really hope to have objective data that celebrates a gradual increase in the physical activity that our students take part in”.

Opening School Facilities Fund

The reported increases in activity, wellbeing and enjoyment at The Skinners’ Kent Academy have been supported by a number of new activities delivered through the Opening School Facilities (OSF) Fund. This funding was provided by the Department for Education to enable schools to stay open outside of normal school hours. The funding was part of the Government’s Covid recovery plan to get young people active again after the pandemic.


The Opening School Facilities Fund has had a positive impact on Skinners and its students. The school has been able to pay for external coaches to provide after school clubs across a range of sports such as basketball, boxing, yoga and rugby union. These after school activities were offered to young people from underrepresented groups to encourage them to be more active and improve their physical, social and mental health.

Skinners now open their facilities for community organisations and is available to be hired out 7 days a week outside of school hours. By allowing community clubs to use the schools’ facilities and using funding to get external coaches to deliver, the school has made links with community clubs to provide students with a pathway to attend these activities outside of school.

“The enthusiasm around School sport this year has been fantastic. The students involved have really enjoyed being coached by sport specific coaches and some have even joined the club the coach represents.”

Next Steps

Active Kent and Medway will be working closely with The Skinners’ Kent Academy to continue to increase activity levels amongst students. By consulting with the least active young people, they aim to understand the needs of those who need more support to be active.logo for Skinners Academy

The school have also trained 20 sports leaders who will assist with the delivery of after school clubs moving forward and the school will continue to develop relationships with local sports clubs to provide opportunities for all members of the community.

For more information on the Active Lives Survey or linking up with local clubs and/or funding opportunities, please email: Daniel.bromley@kent.gov.uk

If you would like to opt-in to the Active Lives Survey, please email: Karen.Johnston2@kent.gov.uk