Everyday Active Schools ‘A Year On’
Want to become an Everyday Active School? Discover the impact that Active Kent & Medway’s Everyday Active Schools programme is having on primary schools across the county. Hear firsthand how one school has successfully embedded physical activity across their school’s culture and how this has contributed to whole school improvement and more active students.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
This two part-workshop will begin with Kent Community Health Foundation Trust presenting the latest findings from The Lancaster Model (TLM) questionnaire. Total Sports Coaching will then offer practical examples from their Stronger Futures programme on how to design PE lessons that enhance and strengthen students’ understanding of mental health.
Delivering Effective Outdoor and Adventurous Activities with Cross-Curricular Outdoor Learning
This practical workshop, delivered by Enrich Education, will explore methods for integrating outdoor play and adventurous activities into the school day. The session will particularly focus on utilizing orienteering and it’s cross-curricular links to promote more physically active lessons within your school. Please note: This workshop will be taking place outside.
Engaging The Least Active with Non-Traditional Activities
This practical workshop will focus on enhancing your offer of inclusive activities, demonstrating various warm up games designed to engage the entire class, followed by an introduction to Tchoukball as an alternative activity.
Using the School Games to tackle inactivity and inequalities
There are deep-rooted inequalities in sport and physical activity, which means there are some young people who are not engaged in activity. Explore additional considerations when working with the least active children and young people and see how the School Games can create positive experiences for these children.