This toolkit has been designed for partners who support Move Together, Kent and Medway’s 2024-2027 Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity. The resources in the toolkit will help partners announce that they are supporting the strategy and contributing to our vision of more people, more active, more often. We also value your support in helping to raise awareness of the strategy through your own local networks.

We recognise that some organisations have more resources available to them than others, so please use the content in this toolkit as you feel appropriate. You can also access and download all the resources listed below from the Active Kent & Medway Google Drive.


We have developed a specific ‘Proud to Support Move Together’ logo for partners to use across marketing materials such as: leaflets, posters, social media, websites and other relevant literature. You can download the logo below. The logo should be used in its entirety. Please don’t squash the logo, crop sections off, apply a boarder, change the shape, or adjust the colours.

Supporting-Partner-Move Together_Logo-1.png

Social Media

If your organisation has a Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn account you may want to announce that you are supporting the Move Together strategy and raise the profile of the work that you’re doing, which is contributing to the strategy’s aims. 

Social media images

You can add the ‘Proud to Support Move Together’ logo alongside your own logo or you can download and use the images below for your social media announcement.



Suggested social media copy

Please amend the copy as you see fit:

  • We are proud to support Move Together, Kent and Medway’s strategy for sport and physical activity, coordinated by Active Kent & Medway. The strategy sets out how we can all work together to support those who are already active, as well as tackling the inequalities that currently prevent many from enjoying the benefits of sport and moving more in their everyday lives. Learn more about Move Together at 

Tag Active Kent & Medway

Please remember to tag Active Kent & Medway in your social media post as we are keen to help promote your organisation and project.

Active Kent & Medway LinkedIn

Active Kent & Medway Facebook

Active Kent & Medway Instagram

Contact Us

If you would like further support or have any questions, please email: