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Children & Young People

three people smiling to cameraThe Project:

Hands of Hope Foundation is a charity working to provide housing and education support, information and advice to those most in need. The Stay Healthy Project looks to encourage local communities to be more active through a variety of inclusive and accessible activities including activity programmes, community events, educational workshops, outreach campaigns and volunteering opportunities.

The funding was used to support a sports tournament targeted at the local Medway community. Promotional resources were created, and equipment bought to run the day.


  • Developed new relationships with other organisations 
  • Provided the organisation with recognition for their work 
  • Helped individuals connect with their local community 
  • Helped people from different backgrounds mix and get on  

The “Stay Healthy” project has provided valuable insights into the dynamics of community health initiatives. These learnings emphasize the importance of inclusivity, effective communication, strong partnerships, and continuous adaptation. By applying these lessons, we can enhance the impact of future projects, ensuring they effectively promote health and well-being in the community“.

 Hands of Hope Foundation

2 people shaking handsKey Learnings: 

Offer a variety of activities. Ensure activities appeal to a wide range of interests and abilities. The organisation asked the community what they wanted and offered educational workshops, recreational sports and wellness groups. Create an environment where everyone feels welcome and motivated to take part.

Gather feedback. To continually improve your projects, ask for feedback from participants. This enables you to know what works well and what needs changing to help tailor activities to better meet the community’s needs.

Next Steps: 

Hands for Hope have trained up a dedicated team of volunteers to lead and manage activities. By empowering community members to take ownership of the project means they have created a self-sustaining model where local residents can continue to organise and participate in activities independently. The project has been designed to be easily replicable and scalable. Detailed guidelines have been developed which can be used by other communities.