The Daily Mile TM

The Daily Mile is a free activity available to all schools which sees children run or jog, at their own pace, for 15 minutes a day in order to improve their physical, social, emotional and mental health.

Each child goes at their own pace – the focus isn’t on the distance of a mile, but participating in 15 minutes of daily physical activity.

There is no staff training or workload – children don’t need to change, they wear their normal school day attire.

Children return to the classroom energised and more able to concentrate making them more efficient learners.

‘The Daily Mile’ name and logo are trademarks of The Daily Mile Foundation, Hawkslease, Chapel Lane, Lyndhurst SO43 7FG (Registered Charity Number 1166911). All rights reserved.


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Charlie Sharp profile image

Charlie Sharp

Assistant Project Officer (Children and Young People)

The Daily Mile Case StudiesView our case studiesThe Daily Mile LearningsDownload Learnings as PDF

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